Work Force

Summary Work Force Statistics for 2010

  • Labor force size: 4,318
  • Percent of population aged 25 or older with bachelors degree or higher: 11.21%
  • Job growth rate: -11.22%
  • Commute travel time: 22 minutes
  • Average manufacturing wage: $37,917
  • Percent employment: 81.86%

Employers and Average Wage Data

Civilian Labor Force and Unemployment Rate

Noxubee County, Noxubee County Extended Labor Area, and Statewide Data
Noxubee CountyExtended Labor Area (Includes cities of Starkville and Columbus, MS)Statewide
Labor Force4,39926,6011,287,100
Unemployment Rate18.1%16.23%8.8%

Commuting Patterns

Live and Work in Noxubee CountyTotal Out-CommutersTotal In-CommutersTotal Commuters

Total Establishments by Size (2010)

Total number of establishments listed by the number of employees
Number of EmployeesNumber of EstablishmentsPercent of Establishments
1-4 employees21261.45%
5-9 employees6819.71%
10-19 employees3911.3%
20-49 employees174.93%
50-99 employees51.45%
100-249 employees30.87%
250-499 employees10.29%

Total Employees by Occupation (2010)

Number of employees hired by businesses classified by occupation
OccupationTotal Number of EmployeesPercent of Total Employees
Executive, Managers, and Administrators2568.88%
Professional Specialty Occupations41514.4%
Sales Professionals582.01
Technologies and Technicians1023.54%
Sales Workers and Clerks2588.95%
Administrative Support Workers48716.9%
Technical, Sales, and Administrative: Field Occupations110.38%
Protective Services662.29%
Other Services: Site Based41414.37%
Other Services: Field Based70.24%
Farming, Forestry, and Fishing1013.5%
Precision, Craft, and Repair: Site Based31811.03%
Construction, Repair, and Mining: Field Based692.39%
Machine Operators, Assemblers, and Inspectors913.16%
Transportation and Materials Moving Workers1204.16%
Handlers, Helpers, and Laborers1053.64%

Total Employees by Major SIC (2010)

Number of employees hired by businesses classified by major SIC
Major SICTotal Number of EmployeesPercent of Total Employees
Agricultural, Forestry, Fishing (SIC 01-09)582.01%
Construction (SIC 15-17)521.8%
Manufacturing (SIC 20-39)52818.32%
Transportation and Communications (SIC 40-49)1274.41%
Wholesale Trade (SIC 50-51)29510.24%
Retail Trade (SIC 52-59)41014.23%
Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate (SIC 60-69)1344.65%
Services (SIC 70-89)94032.62%
Public Administration (SIC 90-98)33411.59%
Unclassified (SIC 99)40.14%

Education Attainment 2010 (population 25 years or older)

Educational Attainment in 2010, by population aged 25 or older in Noxubee County, Mississippi
Highest Level AttainedNumber of PeoplePercentage of the Population
< Grade 91,31617.69%
Grade 9-121,62621.85%
High School2,35831.69%
Some College1,02013.71%
Associates Degree2863.84%
Bachelors Degree5887.9%
Graduate Degree2463.31%